
Academic Programs

At Flowers Gay Schools we understand that every child is exceptional hence our child-centered approach to teaching and learning.

To ensure that our pupils are exceptional among equals, we engage them in class assignments, practical programs, healthy competitions, educational trips and high-quality social experiences via our carefully designed curricula drawn up with the intention of training open-minded alumni for a fruitful future!

Flowers Gay Schools is undeniably a highly esteemed educational institution with reputable, highly qualified and skilled teachers and examiners, eager to support and grow incomparable graduates.

By the Grace of God and the consistent day-to-day hard work of our staff, aimed at student success we humbled by the regular and exhilarating outcomes in the BECE every year. Truly as The School Motto says:

By Their Fruit, Ye Shall Know Them”.

We do not only believe in providing academic opportunities and advantages – we believe in growing your child to be smarter, and providing an exceptional educational experience that cannot be found anywhere else.

At Flowers Gay Schools we are devoted to leading our pupils down the path of self-discovery and equipping them with key transferable skills to guarantee that their fullest potential is harnessed and that they are empowered to compete effectually with their compatriots in all spheres of life.

The Schools comprise of:

  • A Pre-School
  • A Primary
  • A Junior High School

Work Schedules

Unless otherwise stated (under special arrangements agreed upon with and by employees Flowers Gay Schools and the Schools) the normal work schedule for all employees shall be as follows:

Subject to statutory holidays, vacation holidays and midterm holidays, hours of employment shall be:

  • Employees shall report for duty at 7:30 AM on every School Day.
  • Except for Wednesdays (when the Schools close at 2:30PM), on all other School Days , after closing at 2:30PM, ‘Extra Classes’/’After School Care’ (in the case of Basic School) are organize by the Schools which extend the closing time to 4:00PM.

Employees shall strictly observe and adhere to these working hours of the Schools accordingly.

Supervisors and or appropriate Heads will advise employees periodically (where and when applicable), of any changes in the times of their schedules.

Staffing needs and operational demands may necessitate variations in starting and ending times, as well as variations in the total hours that may be scheduled each day and week. The Schools shall however officially communicate and agree on such changes with employees as and when they become necessary.

Flexible scheduling, or flextime, is available in some cases to allow employees to vary their starting and ending times each day within established limits. Flextime may be possible if a mutually workable schedule can be negotiated with the employees involved (This shall however be the norm but may be allowed for under peculiar and mutually beneficial circumstances – chiefly in respect of Part time employees). However, such issues as staffing needs, the employee’s performance, and the nature of the job will be considered before approval of flextime. Employees should consult their supervisor and appropriate Heads to request participation in the flextime program.

Emergency Closing

At times, emergencies such as severe weather, fires or power failures, can disrupt the Schools’ operations. In extreme cases, these circumstances may require the closing of an institution.

In cases where an emergency closing is not authorized, employees who fail to report for work will not be paid for the time off. Employees in essential operations may be asked to work on a day when operations are officially closed. In these circumstances, employees who work will receive regular pay.