Flowers Gay Schools To Introduce Biometric Clocking System

Flowers Gay Schools To Introduce Biometric Clocking System

Executive Management has over the years considered and in most cases implemented prudent technology and projects /programs to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the running of the Schools so as to safeguard the interest of all stakeholders and to guarantee the best value for the sacrifices made (by parents and/guardians and teachers alike), to secure an ‘above par’ educational and moral future for all pupils who attend Flowers Gay Schools.

Again the security threats we currently face as a people, beckons the urgent need to be security conscious and therefore it has become even more essential to be on the alert.

It is in this regard, that Executive Management has decided to introduce a Biometric Security Clocking System which may ultimately be fully rolled out to cover everyone entering or leaving the premises of Flowers Gay Schools.

Though it may not be an exhaustive solution in itself to the mirage od administrative and security challenges generally faced by institutions all over, Management believes that this system when fully rolled out will offer some added layer of security for the safety of our pupils and all other stakeholders of the Schools.

For staff, it is obvious that, when the system becomes fully operational, it shall:

  • Simplify the process for signing in and out of work thereby eliminating wasteful and cumbersome practices.
  • Provide a corporeal, unquestionable record of when employees clocked in and out of work on any particular day. For instance data collected from the system may vindicate and validate an employee’s claim of absence if he/she was being wrongly accused of doing something in school on a day they did not attend school.
  • Make payroll processing easier and smoother since the system shall handle all timekeeping processes. The added advantage here is that employees will not have to worry again about whether or not their time is being accurately tracked. The Clocking System will further reduce mistakes and disputes when computing salaries/ allowances.

Regarding the Schools the system shall hopefully provide Management:

  • A means of enforcing the Schools’ ‘Time Policy’ by providing accurate staff attendance records, which can again be added to their personal file.
  • A lighter workload by affording the human resources and payroll department a smarter way to track time and attendance of staff in executing their duties.
  • Information/ data to accurately administer work rules and reduce possible potential infractions.
  • Credible information which may be useful in prescribing and overseeing the implementation of fair disciplinary actions (even terminations if need be), based on provable facts, rather than hearsay and conjecture

Ultimately the vision of Executive Management regarding the Clocking System is to extend the system to cover all our pupils, parents and guardians.

When fully implemented to cover parents/guardians and pupils, it shall provide a more reliable personalized way of determining who brought and collected each pupil to and from school respectively since no two sets of fingerprints are alike.

It shall also ensure that the entry points of the Schools are properly secured

However, in order to test run the system, the immediate focus of Management is to implement the first phase of this project with staff of the Schools. Executive Management anticipates that,  the implementation of this Biometric Clocking System should take effect by the end of the month and appeals to all staff to cooperate with Management to ensure that this project takes off smoothly.